
Post Webinar Questions

Just a quick questions regarding joining SolidWorks Course Pro.

If promted to put in your email just put the same email as the one you signed up with.

Click the button below to start.


Question 1 of 3

 So far you have not joined SOLIDWORKS Course Pro, let us know why so we can solve you problem or even come up with a special package tailored fit to you.


The Price of the course is too high


It is not the right time for me to join right now


I don't know exactly what is inside the course and what I am signing up for


The Content is not relevant/not what I am looking for


Non of the above/ Personal reason

Question 2 of 3

Would you like to tell us more about the problems you are facing so we understand your situation better, so we can solve your problem together?

Question 3 of 3

If price is your issue, tell me the maximum price you are able to pay today to enroll now. If your suggestion is within reason, I'll see to it that you get the help you need. (Please ONLY write your number without explanations)

Confirm and Submit